533438 ONTARIO LIMITED O/A NORTHLANDER INDUSTRIES warrants every unit to the original consumer owner (“Owner”) for a period of:

One (1) Year Component – repair or replacement of appliances against defects and under normal (non-commercial) use/service.

Five (5) Year Structural – warrants the components and performance relating to the base structure: structural integrity, the building envelope (weather penetration), electrical distribution system, plumbing and heat/cool delivery systems and window/door performance, excluding fixtures.

Please be sure to complete your Dealer Walkthrough and Warranty Registration Form.

Warranty Information

Northlander takes great pride in its record for superior customer and dealer satisfaction. We build strong Owner confidence that leads to lasting relationships and repeat business.

Principal Warranty Statement

533438 ONTARIO LIMITED O/A NORTHLANDER INDUSTRIES warrants every unit to the original consumer owner (“Owner”) for a period of:

One (1) Year Component – repair or replacement of appliances against defects and under normal (non-commercial) use/service.

Five (5) Year Structural – warrants the components and performance relating to the base structure: structural integrity, the building envelope (weather penetration), electrical distribution system, plumbing and heat/cool delivery systems and window/door performance, excluding fixtures.

Please be sure to complete your Dealer Walkthrough and Warranty Registration Form.

Warranty Exclusions:

  1. Any unit which has been modified, altered, damaged; by anyone outside the factory so that in the sole opinion of Northlander Industries, it has been affected with regard to safe use, material effectiveness and integrity or C.S.A. certification. Please contact Northlander or your Dealer for additional information should you be considering a modification.
  2. The Northlander warranty excludes appliance and component manufacturers who have their own warranty cov­erage. Please refer to the manufacturer warranty coverage.
  3. Minor imperfections which do not affect the suitability of the unit for its intended use.
  4. Warranty claims arising from or being compounded by neglect, accident, misuse or fraud.
  5. Compensation for loss of use and enjoyment, time, commercial loss, incidental charges, communication expense, alternate accommodation, rescheduling or any consequential damage resulting from matters of warranty.
  6. Normal wear and tear and climatic exposure during reasonable use.
  7. Soiling, fading and discolouration of fabric materials due to use and direct sunlight.
  8. After the first 90 days of the warranty period, normal maintenance and minor adjustments to windows, doors, ap­pliances, latches, moldings, seals, gas regulators and cleaning are not considered to be warranty matters.
  9. Damage resulting from failure to do, or have done, regular maintenance.
  10. This home is not intended for commercial use or rental. Such activity voids the warranty.
  11. Warranty coverage is not a substitution for proper Owner’s insurance coverage or common sense and appropriate use.
  12. Any damage created by shipping, improper set-up or damage resulting from the movement in the foundation
  13. Any damage caused by municipal services or other services.
  14. Any damage caused by occupancy outside what the unit was designed for.
  15. Any damage from insects, rodents or pets – not resulting from construction defects.
  16. Any drywall cracks after initial set-up. Further cracking after initial set-up is the consumer’s responsibility.
  17. Any damage from an Act of God

There is no warranty of any nature beyond that contained in this warranty.

Failure by the owner to immediately provide notice or take action to mitigate the problem in a timely manner that results in additional damage, is in the opinion of most warranting parties an act of neglect, indifference or abuse that could result in the owner accepting the responsibility for the remedial action or replacement.

Warranty Registration:

A Northlander Warranty Registration Card is to be completed by the owner within 10 days of delivery and forwarded to Northlander. The owner must complete and forward warranty registration documents directly to any component suppliers offering additional Manufacturer’s warranty coverage.

Important: The 5 year warranty will become effective ONLY if a warranty

activation form is properly filled out and returned to Northlander Industries.

Obtaining Warranty Service

Owners should direct all questions and warranty claims directly to their Dealer, who will coordinate a resolution through the Service Manager at Northlander. The selling Dealer is responsible for performing minor touch-up and adjustments as part of their Dealer obligations.

The Dealer shall submit a “notice of claim” complete with purchaser’s written details of all required action and the serial number of the unit. Also included should be the Owner’s invoiced date of purchase and any supporting photographs when possible. Upon receipt of notice of a claim, Northlander will at their sole discretion repair or replace any parts or components which we determine are defective. Our obligation is limited to such repair or replacement. Warranty work must be pre-approved by the Service Manager. Northlander Industries maintains an in-house service

department to support our warranty commitment.

Claims arising from the coverage period must be submitted no later than 10 days after day 365.

Component Parts Warranty

Several component suppliers extend warranty privileges through to the original owner and in some cases subsequent Owner for periods which may be greater than the Northlander 1 year period. There are various time limitations and, in some cases, pro-rating of coverages for parts, parts and labour, labour and other considerations. Northlander is not responsible for the coverage or consequential matters relating to warranty by others. It is necessary that the Owner forward all other warranty cards to those manufacturers. Any service contract extensions purchased by the Owner from a parts manufacturer are outside of any agreement or obligation with Northlander and the Dealer. Your Dealer and Northlander are pleased to provide assistance to Owners to resolve warranty matters relating to component sup­pliers.

Owner Pre-Delivery Responsibilities

Pre-delivery inspection, transportation, setup, initial appliance start-up and where applicable, zoning, building code and bylaw compliance:

The preceding matters must be performed by qualified persons under the authority and direction of the Owner as a condition and obligation to be eligible for warranty coverage. Select someone who is reputable, insured and guaran­teed. The Owner shall satisfy their self of the competency of action and recommendations of such service providers and deem them on their behalf to be their qualified service provider, trade or installer capable of and familiar with matters of installation, repair, alteration and use.

Owner Maintenance Responsibility

It is incumbent upon the Owner to perform typically expected occupant maintenance and self-inspections.

The Owner is required to fulfill some basic responsibilities in order to receive full coverage when a warranty matter is confirmed.

The general expectations of the owner’s responsibility are to:

  • Immediately call your dealer with notice of problems or to ask if you are not sure about a condition.
  • Use your good common sense when using the unit.
  • Don’t allow a situation to deteriorate into a worsening state.
  • Maintain and care for the product following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Hire qualified service providers.
  • Inspect the unit during the warranty period and subsequently.
  • Use the fixtures and appliances for their intended purpose.
  • Fill out all warranty registration cards. Keep records for reference.

Owners are responsible for proper maintenance and care of the unit which includes:

  • Northlander warranty support is conditional (or dependent) that each unit has been transported without dam­age and set up on adequate lot conditions (by one of several acceptable and municipally approved methods) by a service provider qualified to carry out the administrative, construction and methods necessary. This expec­tation and responsibility are extended to include any maintenance, utilities connections and supply.
  • Use appropriate measures to regulate water vapour and the undesirable effects of condensation. Do not
  • circumvent or decommission any factory designed or installed features. Refer to the appendix “Controlling
  • Condensation and Moisture”.
  • Clean furnace filters on models equipped with filters as necessary.
  • Change filter on return air grills as necessary.
  • Clean filter in the range hood exhaust fan as necessary if applicable.
  • Make sure outside covered and screen vents to inlet or exhaust air are free from lint, debris, webs, nests or veg­etation.
  • After year one and thereafter periodically check the home for level. Depending on the method of foundation/ pad support, the necessity for re-leveling may become apparent due to sticking doors, cracking or separation of some components or connection and relationship of the unit to external connections or features. Resolving a leveling matter should be done by a qualified person and should not result in lasting problems if dealt with in a timely and professional manner
  • Check service connections to fuel source if there is any reason to believe there has been damage or tampering.
  • Trim branches from coming into contact with the any part of your unit.
  • Ensure skirting is vented below unit.
  • At least twice a year, check or have checked, the roof flashing, shingles which may have blown up, any pen­etrations through the roof (stacks, pipes etc.)
  • Repair any rodent, pest, pet or insect damage.
  • Wear and tear, damage, cleaning and stain removal from flooring material should be dealt with in the same way you would expect to use any quality residential flooring product. Read and follow the product care litera­ture, restrictions and product warranties.
  • Monitor for leaks or drips in plumbing fixtures or any unexplained wet spots, stains or discolouration on ceiling, wall, floor or any areas by a window, door or skylight. Report any observations immediately. Water problems are infrequent but can be troublesome and cause ongoing issues if not addressed. Allow your Dealer the best opportunity possible to have this type of problem fixed. The repair may be quite simple whereas the results of neglect could be severe and possibly unwarranted if you ignore the problem.
  • Make sure window drains are free of debris these items should be cleaned at least twice a year.
  • Wind damage or damage from an outside force or occurrence should be repaired as soon as possible. Some matters may be covered by your property insurance policy, but may, with prior approval from your insurance agent, be repaired by your Dealer.
  • Keep the roof free of excess winter snow, wet snow, ice or leaves. Use care to prevent damage to roof or vents.
  • Understand the proper positions and functions of electrical switches, plumbing valves and their functions.
  • Report any aspect of the unit’s materials or workmanship which your observations indicate a change of func­tion or appearance etc.
  • Replace bulbs or lamps with equally rated bulbs. Over sizing may lead to harmful damage which would not be covered by warranty.
  • Your unit is constructed from wood products. Even kiln dried lumber, trim, flooring and miscellaneous wood products will dry to lower moisture content which may result in a degree of shrinkage. Minor cracks, splits and separation can result and are of no cause for alarm. Minor squeaks may also result.
  • Use only cleaners and methods suitable for the surface or material being cleaned. It is your responsibility to purchase the appropriate products and use them in the prescribed manner as labeled.
  • Do not overload electrical circuits. Repeated tripping of a circuit breaker indicates a need to make a change in use or have a qualified professional investigate for a system fault.
  • Some water service supplies will result in long term and recurring build-ups, staining or problems. Problems may occur in lines, sinks, tubs/showers, taps, fixtures and water heating tanks. Water quality related issues would be non-warranty covered matters.
  • As assistance, a schedule of General Maintenance Guidelines is provided in the app